
Learn how to enable Augtera's Notification

Augtera's Notification is part of the Presentation layer as explained in the Overview Section. This section describes the notification framework.

Services that constitute Notification framework are part of the Platform stack. Notification framework allows an end user to be notified of events in real-time to an endpoint of their choice. Following are the key steps in defining a notification:

  1. What is the event of interest: Augtera provides default events to be notified on based on learnings from existing production deployments. At the same time Augtera also allows the user to modify the default events and configure various types of events for notifications. Notification framework allows very fine grain selection of events. Few examples are as follows:

    1. Raw events: these are events ingested by Augtera. Examples include syslog, JSON logs and SNMP Traps. A user can select a specific type of SNMP Trap, such as "coldStart" to be notified on. Or the user can select a specific log labeled in another production installation of Augtera (Collective Learning), e.g., "Parity Error", to be notified on.

    2. Generated events: these are events generated by Augtera based on features enabled. Few examples of generated events are as follows.

      1. Machine Learning Anomalies on Metrics or Logs: A user can select what Machine Learning based anomalies on metrics or logs to be notified on.

      2. Finite State Machine Events: A user can select FSM events for BGP and Interface state to be notified on

      3. Auto-correlation Events: A user can control what raw or generated events should be auto-correlated using machine learning and select which correlated events to be notified on.

      4. Threshold Events on Metrics: Augtera recommends using Machine Learning based Anomalies on metrics to minimize false positives. However there are specific scenarios where a user may wish to notify based on manual thresholds.

  2. What is the event's dedup key: Deduplication is a method to reduce redundant notifications. Notification framework allows user to pick any number of dimensions to form a dedup key for the purposes of notifications. For example, both "agent IP address" and "interface name" are typically selected to form a dedup notification for interface down events.

  3. Where to notify: Augtera allows the user to configure one or more endpoints for event notifications. Augtera out-of-box supports following endpoints:

    1. ServiceNow

    2. Kafka

    3. Syslog

    4. Email

    5. Slack

There are many other controls provided by Notification Framework that allow users to control various aspects of the notifications, such as how often to be notified, format of the notification, and so on.

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